A gradual procession of super bears has been quietly admitting they've been wrong in their bearish assessment of the stock market. As the major stock market indices continue to push to higher highs and as market internals continue to reflect a stellar market condition, even the most stubborn of bearish traders and market commentators have been forced to reconsider their positions. Slowly, and with little fanfare, they've been covering short positions.
Yet these same died-in-the-wool bears refuse to turn bullish and are now standing idly on the sidelines watching stock prices move ever higher. If they can admit they were wrong to sell short, why can't they bring themselves to become buyers in what is obviously a strong bull market? That is the question we'll examine in the commentary that follows.
While discussing the issue recently with friend and colleague Bud Kress, a Wall Street veteran, he offered these comments on the bears: "The perma-bears live in their own little world, wrapped tightly in a cocoon womb." I couldn't help but laugh when I heard this statement. We then began to openly ponder why certain high-profile "perma-bears" have maintained an unshakeable bearish bias for the past few years even as equity prices and corporate earnings have climbed relentlessly. Our conclusion was that there must be a "cult of the bear."
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Who are the Perma-Bears Anyway?
Posted by
Mkt swimmer
10:45 AM
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NOW... looking at what transpired behind the scenes today- there was some profit taking by the bigboys-APPL was # 13 in all stocks on wsj with a outflow of $16 million dollars-(GO TO WSJ ONLINE LOOK UNDER STOCKS AND LOOK UNDER MONEY FLOWS-BUYING ON WEAKNESS/SELLING INTO STRENGTH)they(bigboys) sold shares into strength/and prolly took some profits-we are trending sideways and setting up a trading range albeit schizophrenic one ,but... if DAYTRADERS do not get too greedy and manage time things right there is some money to be made because APPL is volitile-know you are competing with hedge funds with large bankroll/power to move a stock wherever they please to capture daytraders money!
TOMORROW WILL BE A DOWN DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Now long term investors...
If the FED does not relax the prime lending rate america is in trouble-normal citizens small busines owners-some large also-will be going bankrupt
that is the honest truth
the BANKS-financial institutions will end up with a lot of properties/land and will have eliminated would be competitors for the next upturn-if DEMOCRATS end up in the oval office, FED will pull a JIMMY CARTER(do some reading) -WAR will be over and we will face a RECESSION(large one) DEMOCRATS will battle it sucessfully(like clinton did) and republicans will want to steal the prosperity the democrats created by RESPONSIBLE FISCAL POLICY (HILLARYCLINTON/OBAMA) will be the winners-PEACE IN MIDDLE EAST-and DAVIDS/SOLOMONS TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM WILL BE REBUILT-prosperity will happen for all(WORLDWIDE) under a guise of false peace-disaster will come 2012-thats a whole nother story!
now like i said ,for long term investors you will weather a storm if above actions take place
APPLE will not do so well in recession-there will be a major reset-people will not have money to buy luxury items-the common folk that is-rich always will-but poor are the majority by 90% of population-now this recession will be world wide if it happens there is a domino effect-good time to rebuy APPLE will be in 2009 summer-that is if you take your profits before institutions take theirs(and they will just like 99/00) leaving mom and pops and whoever else holding the bag!>>> continued…
lots of money to be made and lost off of all of this all you have to do is FOLLOW THE MONEY FLOW!!! if the flow is out of the market then everything is headed down-look to a run on bonds being bought as another indicator of institutions leaving the market-SUBSCRIBE TO INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY-they have a generally honest unbiased view of market one of the few left reporting for reporting sake-if you see institution run down on APPLE short it to make money or cash out and sit on sidelines-financial institutions will weather the storm along with energy supplier's-everything else down-most small business will not survive bad recession-mortgage and homebuilders going down hard if not BK-
what else can i say- i have tried to share some info with you all
the stockmarket is designed to take DAYTRADERS/RETAIL TRADERS money and put it into the pockets of other bigger fish-computer tracing progams are used to keep track of what you do and MARKET MAKERS KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING-your daytrading platform provider hedges against what ever you do so as to make as much money as they can-all owned by big banking secret society folks now-yes it has changed for the worse for retail traders(THEY MAKE INTEREST OFF OF YOU HOLDING YOUR POSITION OVERNIGHT long or short on margin)hedge funds have computer trading programs that can tell how many retailers are in a stock and can TIME THE BID/ASK to move the market whichever way will shake the tree hard enough to get some retail fruit-
ALWAYS FOLLOW BIG MONEY TRAIL if you do you have a 50/50 chance-if you ignore that fact the odds are way against you
now as for me/us ...
we cashed out today-and closed the scottrade account we have made and lost a fortune in the last 6 months-its been a wild ride/education experience for sure-WE are done with the market for now-25 k for a good education is a fair deal-RETAIL BROKERS got rich from us-and not always fair-but life is not fair -so we sit in cash and are moving to the beach lord willing-and watch the drama unfold
with apple and a lot of other companies and the national/international economies
my apologies to anyone i have offended-i have been transparent and honest-a little emotional at times-fear does that- but keeps you from beingf eaten by large critters!
we will be watching but not playing-good time to buy a house in the right place!
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