AAPL released strong earning, Cramer is crazy about it. The cheapest stocks he found out in the whole market sphere are GOOG and ISRG. Subprime will reduce Ads income but YouTube is great for profitability. He did not throw chairs around because the doctor recommended not to, but he did waved his big knife a couple of times.
Chinese stock market index SSE Composite Index went up 106 or 1.87%
US pre-market and the whole world is in a up beat mode.
But 7 Bells cautioned: Can strong earnings from Apple (AAPL) lift the broad market on Tuesday? Probably not because the company has shown surprisingly short coattails after prior earnings blowouts.
Have a successful trading day,
Market Swimmer
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Morning Call
Posted by
Mkt swimmer
6:23 AM
Labels: Morning Call
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Market Swimmer,
Really enjoy your blog and insights. Noticed you haven't had many recommendations lately. That due to market uncertainty ?? or scans not producing any??
Thank you for asking, I have been busy, one of things we tried to do is to publish best quality articles and get more diversified audience. Well, Seeking Alpha (the king of blogging, the equivalence of CNN in regular news media syndicated one of our articles, China Insight listed several and finally we got a permanent link on the mother of all Financial News THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, Swimmer is very happy about it.
Now, once that has been accomplished, we will focus on picking stocks and even discussing some real strategies. Just like Cramer has been saying all the way along, STAY WITH SWIMMER, MAKE SOME MAD MONEY!
We will do a lot of interesting things, you can support us by leaving comments, messages and suggestions.
Keep in touch,
Mkt Swimmer
swim if too many people know what you are up to wont there be the harvard MBA shorts going short when we go long and vice versa- i was part of a well known site- that happened towards the end of when i gave up with them(unsubscibed)felt like betting strategy looking at patterns which more often than not did not follow thru-i think a lot of folks hedgies computer trading programs go contrary-what i am getting at is if you are too well known how ya gonna fly under the radar???????
last but not least you going to post about 1929 stock pools todays hedge funds and the test of 1987? also what about the clearing company for the different exchanges and who runs it-catch my drift?
thanks swim-spud
You are exactly right, if too many people get on the same boat, the boat will sink. This is a known fact, tested repeatly, it will happen with 100% accuracy. The hedge fund has the quickest computer to track you down and doing the reverse of what you are doing, this is what happened to Cramer. Notice that I mentioned Cramer yesterday, these two stocks went up 10%? (I didn't track that) but you can not make any money on them. As matter of fact, if you buy them at open, you will loss money 100%. I did not recommend these stocks, I knew it.
Now, I don't think it will happen to me, at least for now. I only have 200 people visiting me, 1/3 of that is repeat traffic, which means they have a bookmark. I don't have the traffic to infuence the market, neither do I want to be in that position. When I reach a certain level of popularity (in thousands, not millions), I will keep the group at a reasonable size.
On the other hand, the game we are playing, or we should be doing is to monitor the smart money. That means look at what Goldman Sachs professional traders are buying or selling, we just follow them. If we know what we are doing and don't be too greedy about it, I don't think we will ever be killed by the hedges!
To the contrary, just the opposite, like we play poker with them, we have a tremendous advantage because we can see their cards, but they can not see our cards. See, hedgy has their own problems - they need to go in with hundreds of millions dollars before they can make any real money percentage wise. We don't need to, we just buy a hundred shares and liquidate the damn thing if we want to. That's why they need to secretly buying for a period of time, then hire somebody to hype the price, so they can get out of the positions. A lot of people got caught on that, listen to their recommendations, and lossing money. That's the whole purpose of this site, we just want to know what they are buying right now, we just follow them. Instead of waiting they recommend come out, that's too late. Likely they will run "distribution program" on us.
We will explore many strategies with real logics behind and statistically sound, and make some money together.
Got the point?
Have fun,
Im also looking forward to more picks. Did you happen to see TCM yesterday? Finally some good gains, and I think more to come with earnings coming up :)
Hopefully they release some good numbers and this stock finally gets the attention that it deserves.
now swim that is the kind of info that is useful-PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW WHAT SORT OF STRATEGIES THE HEDGE FUNDS RUN!!!
IT IS CROOKED AND UNFAIR-LIKE STOCK BUYING POOLS IN THE 1920's-SHOULD BE ILLEGAL BUT ITS NOT- tell me this much why would a internet broker like scottrade-schwab-etrade etc etc go bet contrary to their clients actions??? and how could they know what their traders are doing unless they have a automated computer program that traces and strategizes to make as much money from their clients accounts-like selling stock to clients at market price without the order ever hitting the trading floor etc etc and then using the options market to manipulate price and shake the tree-by hitting the bid or ask in such a way as to mask the price movement up or down -how many traders(day) are actively trading a single stock at a time-are the millions of shares traded-just between brokerages who then close/swap shares back to eachother or themselves after hours or on /in the blackpool? and how does the clearing house for all the exchanges make their money how wealthy are they and do they tell the FIRMS which stock to trade with what program to run(im sure they have many) as a way to bilk smalltime traders investors out of trillions-is not that the greater fool theory on a grand scale? i know of some of this cause i called INSTINET and asked them a few hard questions which their reply was" you only get to trade with these special programs if you are a licensed broker firm(commercial acct)for example: ALGORTHMIC TRADING PROGRAMS
Accessing liquidity opportunistically without changing the spread
Cobra was developed to enable the trader to access liquidity without changing the spread or revealing a presence in the marketplace.
Cobra places child orders upstairs on Instinet CBX® and on NASDAQ using a stealth functionality that controls visibility, pricing and execution triggers. The goal is to let the user remove liquidity opportunistically while keeping the spread intact.
A user-defined execution style can be set to determine how aggressively the rule should trade. Cobra is for use with U.S.-listed equities only.-this was a quote from their website
if you could publish an article on this minset/rambling that would be grand swim-thanks again-soon i will have confidence to get back in and swim-Spud
Yes, I will provide more picks from now on.
Mkt Swimmer
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